Professor M.Delgermaa, L.Orosoo, D.Ganbat and L.Telmenbayar have been worked as a non-degree researchers at the Nagaoka University of Technology to explore the establishing a start-up company, to prepare SATREPS project materials, to discuss a joint research direction, internship young researchers, a service of research equipment, to propose the creation of a joint start-up company using the results of the technology generated by the joint research and to discuss integration of technology, equipment supply, joint research a thermoelectric materials and functionally graded materials.
JOETSU BRONZ CORPORATION. It produces products using a scrap copper, brass and bronze.
TIX-TSK. It produces drilling bits
Representatives from Government of Nagaoka Prefecture Sano HIROFUMI and Kadowaki RYO, Director Kamado SHIGEHARU and Deputy Director Osamu TAKAHASHI of the Nagaoka University of Technology, Associate Professor Masatoshi TAKEDA, Associate Professor Makoto NANKO, Associate Professor Tomoyuki HOMMA, General Coordinator Mami KATSUMI of Higaku, Professor Kamimura SEIJI, Professor Takaomi KOBAYASHI, NJS Create INC Director Masao TOKITA conducted an online and in-person seminar with county employees and representatives of their partner companies.
The following presentations were discussed at the seminar, and discussed about the cooperation and it’s possibilities.
The presentations are followed by a discussion on the production fields which have more development possibilities.
Experimenting thermoelectric material by SPS technology
МИТС-ийн оюутнууд физикийн улсын IV олимпиадад II, III-р байр эзэллээ
БНХАУ-ын Ляонин мужийн Төмөр замын дээд сургуультай хамтран богино хугацааны дадлагыг амжилттай зохион байгууллаа.
Механик инженер, Тээврийн сургуулийн уламжлал болгон зохион байгуулдаг нийт багш, ажилчдыг хамарсан нэгдсэн сургалт зохион байгуулагдлаа
“Бакалавр оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээ” -ний хурал амжилттай болж өндөрлөлөө.
МехТС-ийн оюутан Оюу Азийн аварга шалгаруулах жюү жицүгийн тэмцээнд хүрэл медаль хүртлээ