The CNC lathe category of the "World Skills 2022" competition was successfully held on October 5-18, 2022 in Leonberg, Germany. In this competition, G. Oyunbat, dean of the Manufacturing Engineering department, participated as an expert teacher, G. Ochbaatar as a participant, and engineers from the Metal Processing Engineering Association and Erdenet Industry participated in the exchange of experience.
The aim is to exchange experiences to improve the quality standards of professional education to train and develop human resources in the metalworking industry in Mongolia at a world-class level.
The DMG MORY factory was founded in 1948, produce 5-axis lathes and milling machines, fully automatic machines with numerical control to meet the requirements of production automation digital production technology processes, the factories have DMG MORY academy competence centers and two training centers for professional training. The employees are trained through its own competency centers, so the skills of the employees are high.
The 46th World Skill Competition CNC Lathe and Milling category at the DMG Academy building, athletes from 21 countries tested their skills on 6 machines within the framework of a special program for 9 days, divided into two parts, morning and afternoon.
МИТС-ийн оюутнууд физикийн улсын IV олимпиадад II, III-р байр эзэллээ
БНХАУ-ын Ляонин мужийн Төмөр замын дээд сургуультай хамтран богино хугацааны дадлагыг амжилттай зохион байгууллаа.
Механик инженер, Тээврийн сургуулийн уламжлал болгон зохион байгуулдаг нийт багш, ажилчдыг хамарсан нэгдсэн сургалт зохион байгуулагдлаа
“Бакалавр оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээ” -ний хурал амжилттай болж өндөрлөлөө.
МехТС-ийн оюутан Оюу Азийн аварга шалгаруулах жюү жицүгийн тэмцээнд хүрэл медаль хүртлээ