A. Scholarships offered by government (http://edu.law.moe.gov.tw/EngLawContent.aspx?Type=E&id=250)
Our government will pay up to NTD 40,000 for each semester to cover tuition and fees and offer 20,000 NTD per month for graduate students. For sure, these students should have at least an average GPA 3.3 out of 4.
B. Scholarships offered by NIU (National Ilan University)
If students have GPA above 3.7, they can have an 8,000 NTD add-on scholarship per month.
C. Scholarship offered by department and faculty
It totally depends on the students' financial situation. In our case, we can offer 25,000 NTD per semester for students who require financial aid and we also provide RA and TA opportunities.
Contacts: 99068710
Welcome to the ICERUID 2022 at International Conference Hall, 12th floor, Suite No: 8, Mongolian University of science and Technology, Baga toizuu 34, Sukhbaatar district Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee of International Conference of “DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ON ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OF NEW MATERIALS” which is organizing under the 60th Anniversary of MUST we are cordially inviting you Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Scholarships for MUST Students to pursue Masters and PhD in Electro-Mechanical Engineering in National Ilan University, Taiwan.